Article requirements


 All articles should align with the scope of the Journal of European Economy. Articles written by authors from different countries are given priority for review and publication. The overall structure of the Journal includes the following sections:

  • Economic Theory
  • Europe in the Global Economic System
  • European Economic Integration
  • Regionalization and Globalization in the European Economic Space
  • Development of Financial Relations
  • Monetary Globalization
  • Climate Neutrality in Economics
  • Medical Economics and Digitization of Healthcare
  • Primary Sector Economics
  • Secondary Sector Economics
  • Tertiary Sector Economics.

Formatting Requirements

Articles should be submitted electronically in a file format compatible with text editors such as Microsoft Word or LibreOffice. The text of the article should be formatted in Times New Roman font, size 14, with a line spacing of 1.5, normal margins, and alignment by width. An indent of 1.25 should be applied, except for elements of the article’s structure where otherwise indicated. Articles exceeding 40,000 characters with spaces (excluding the bibliography section) will not be considered.

All figures and illustrations should be editable (whether in-text or as a separate file of an appropriate format).

Figures and tables must be numbered consecutively based on their order in the text (e. g. Table 1, Table 2…). These designations should be placed on a new line without paragraph indentation. Below the number, the name of the figure or table should be written on a new line. The source of the figure or table should be immediately indicated after them, using font size 12.

Each new element of the article structure should be introduced by an empty line. Headings for elements 3-4, 8-13 should be centered and formatted in bold.

Structure of the paper

  1. Full name of the author(s) – should be centered and formatted in bold, with last name in CAPITAL LETTERS. Each author’s name should be written on a new line.
  2. Author(s)’ affiliations, scientific degrees and titles, ORCID (if available) and email should be provided in a footnote for each author. The text in footnotes should be formatted in Times New Roman, size 11, with a line spacing of 1. If the author’s name transliteration does not follow a generally accepted pattern, we kindly ask to provide a Latinized version of the name (as it appears in the passport for foreign travel).
  3. Title of the Article should be centered, printed in CAPITAL letters, and formatted in bold.
  4. Abstract should contain 12 to 15 lines of text with a summary of the subject, methods, and results of the conducted research. It is obligatory to describe the author(s)’ original scientific contribution, i. e. what the author(s) posits that has previously not been published compared to publications of other authors.
  5. Key words.
  6. JEL classification.
  7. Number of figures, tables, formulae and references.
  8. Acknowledgements (if applicable).
  9. Literature Review and Problem Statement section should provide substantiation for the relevance of the study and a clearly outlined goal of the article. Literature Review should contain references to recent publications on the topic. Priority should be given to Scopus and WoS-indexed papers. No self-citation unless allowed under COPE guidelines.
  10. Research Methodology section should contain a description of the employed methods, approaches, and the sampling procedure if applicable.
  11. Research Results is a section that should contain the main body of the text, the results of empirical and theoretical analysis, and their discussion.
  12. Practical Implementation is a section that describes how the results of the study have been or potential can be implemented.
  13. Conclusions – this section should contain a summary of the article, which should not duplicate the Abstract or vice versa. Here, the author(s) should highlight the practical application or scientific importance of the research findings and suggest directions for future research.
  14. References -- use APA-7 standard for both end-of-paper and in-text citations. For non-English sources, please translate the titles (other than journal title, which should be transcribed unless an official name in English is available) and indicate the original language like so: [in Ukrainian]. DOI preferable if available. Format text using font size 12.
  15. Appendices (if available) should appear each starting on a new page and titled alphabetically (e. g. Appendix A, Appendix B...). Appendices should contain figures or tables that are too large to be placed in the main text of the article, or that contain additional or reference information.