
  • Lech Jańczuk Institute of Political Science and Foreign Affairs, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


Civil society, the social insurance system, the pension system, Poland.


The article deals with the subject of the role of civil society in the process of reforms of the social security system in Poland compared to other countries. Over the past 25 years, some countries in Latin America and Central – Eastern Europe has made pension reforms. You can therefore make preliminary assessments reforms. The aim of these reforms was the rationalization of government expenditure allocated for the payment of retirement benefits. The practice of the last few years has shown (especially during the financial crisis), that one of the basic economic arguments justifying the implementation of the system of capital to social insurance (a mandatory and public) has been seriously weakened in terms of risk diversification. The practice proved  that capital and joint contribution-based systems are similarly susceptible to political and macroeconomic factors. In addition, they affect the socio-economic situation of democratic states. Analyzing the role of civil society in the process of reforms of the social security system is worth considering the issue of the balance between individual responsibility for themselves and the public tasks in the field of pension rights The design of the social security system should be characterized by a coherence of intergenerational solidarity with the personalistic vision of man.



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How to Cite

Jańczuk, Lech. “CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE FACE OF THE REFORM OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM IN POLAND”. Journal of European Economy, vol. 14, no. 3, Oct. 2017, pp. 332-40,