
  • R. Boyd Johnson Dr. of Business Administration Program, Prof., Walden University


Cross-cultural communication, cultural intelligence (CQ), cross-cultural interaction, Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS), transferability.


The process of globalization provokes the continuous rise of cultural intelligence (CQ). Article is based on the findings of the CQS research conducted in Ukraine (2012–2013). The research was conducted in  three phases. Phase I included the translation and adaptation of the scale to the audience with the use of two focus groups that consisted of 17 respondents. Phase II was about the testing of cultural intelligence scale for larger audiences in Ukraine using the translated scale from Phase I for 300 students. Phase III – The implementation of the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) to approximately  1800 individuals throughout the country. Instrument was translated into Ukrainian and Russian; validity testing was conducted during pilot phase, country-wide CQ of Ukrainians was measured. The research findings made a considerable contribution to the understanding of cultural intelligence in non-American settings. 



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How to Cite

Johnson, R. Boyd. “CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE IN UKRAINE”. Journal of European Economy, vol. 13, no. 3, Oct. 2017, pp. 235-4,

