
  • Marcin Feltynowski Lodz University


ICT clusters, innovation, e-commerce, information society.


Innovations in the scope of information-communication technologies allow for a faster development of regional centres. One of the ways for supporting this kind of development are clusters. The significance  of ICT technology is highlighted in strategic documents at the European Union level as well as at the national economic level. ICT technology development is considered to be a means for faster resolution of the economic crisis effects. The aim of this article is identification of ICT clusters in Poland, which are a form of cooperation in the scope of ICT technology development and which stimulate the regional economic growth in the scope of information society. The article will also allow for estimating the development of these clusters and presenting their structure. The gathered material will enable further research in the following years.



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How to Cite

Feltynowski, Marcin. “ICT CLUSTERS DIAGNOSIS IN POLAND”. Journal of European Economy, vol. 11, no. 4, Sept. 2017, pp. 403-15, https://jeej.wunu.edu.ua/index.php/enjee/article/view/611.

