
  • Viktoriia Derhachova
  • Oleksandr Zhurovskyi


Globalization, globalization index, indicator, method of quantitative globalization level in the world countries (QGAM), economic dimension of globalization, social dimension of globalization, political dimension of globalization, factor analysis.


The paper is concerned with the processes of economic globalization, and paradigms of modern global studies. The most known two methods are analyzed for quantitative and qualitative dimensions of globalization, namely: Swiss Institute of Business Research (KOF) and International Organization of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP), and on this basis the method is offered for making the quantitative analysis of globalization level throughout the world countries (QGAM). The essence of the method consists in establishing high quality interconnections between different indicators of social, economic, and political dimensions of globalization, and the indicators of global economic development, also of qualitative and quantitative analysis of globalization with account of the effects of crisis phenomena produced on these processes. Three groups of outcome indicators which define the difference between the countries in the context of globalization. are distinguished Comparison study is made of globalization level in different world countries.




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How to Cite

Derhachova, Viktoriia, and Oleksandr Zhurovskyi. “PROCESES OF ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION IN INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS”. Journal of European Economy, vol. 10, no. 2, Sept. 2017, pp. 138-54,