


adaptability, flexibility, inequality, policy of social quality, social resilience, societal resilience, social sustainability, stress resistance.


The article is devoted to identifying the directions of state policy aimed at ensuring social sustainability and the challenges associated with the growing processes of inequality in the context of war. The authors revealed the substantive components of the concept of social sustainability, which is a systemic synergistic characteristic of adaptability, stress resistance, and flexibility of the social and labor sphere. The comparative analysis allowed to confirm the deepening of inequality processes in Ukrainian society in the context of a prolonged war and to prove that the solution to the problem of inequality lies in ensuring the social stability of the labor market, eliminating discrimination, and preventing exclusion from the labor market. The generalized threats to social sustainability allowed the authors to substantiate the institutional direction of ensuring the social sustainability of Ukrainian society, which includes the post-war renewal of the social contract based on the basic principles of social justice, cohesion, complementarity, social quality and inclusiveness.

JEL: J18, D63, D69, I30.

Author Biographies

Victoria BLYZNIUK, State Organization «Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine

DSc (Econ), Senior Researcher, Head of Department of Labor Socio-Economics

Svitlana SHUMSKA, State Organization «Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine

DSc (Econ), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Department of Economic Development Modeling and Forecasting

Tetiana BURLAY, State Organization «Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine

DSc (Econ), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Department of Economic Theory

Olena BORZENKO, State Organization «Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine

DSc (Econ), Professor, Head of International Financial Research Sector

Aikaterini-Sotiria ARGYRIOU, Athens, Greece

Master of Sciences in Shipping


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Received: November 11, 2024.

Reviewed: November 19, 2024.

Accepted: November 25, 2024.




How to Cite

BLYZNIUK, Victoria, et al. “RESILIENCE OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEM: STRATEGY AND TACTICS FOR MINIMIZING INEQUALITIES IN UKRAINIAN SOCIETY”. Journal of European Economy, vol. 23, no. 4, Dec. 2024, pp. 560-8, doi:10.35774/jee2024.04.560.



Europe in the World Economic System