



Grain balance, exports, price indexation, concept, trends.


The current global conditions of the export food market are analysed and the corresponding trends are revealed. It is substantiated that the priority direction of exports to the developed countries of the world are processed products of agricultural raw materials with significant added value. Two opposite trends have been identified – the world’s population is constantly growing, while the area of agricultural production, as well as marine fish stocks have a steady downward trend, which leads to the introduction of intensive technologies for growing crops and increase in exports. It is proved that under certain conditions Ukraine has a good chance to increase food exports, including those of highly processed food. It is determined that in order to implement the task of increasing food exports, it is necessary to develop a concept of prospects for these exports. The basic provisions, principles and model of the concept of prospects for Ukrainian food exports are formed taking into account the potential raw agricultural resources created if innovative technologies of food industry production are introduced. It is noted that the proposed concept is based on the agro-industrial potential of Ukraine and is realistic even before implementation.

JEL: F13, F14, F17.

Author Biography

Yurii PASICHNYK, National Scientific Centre «Institute of Agrarian Economics»

Professor, Leading Specialist


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How to Cite

PASICHNYK, Yurii. “EXPORT OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD PRODUCTS OF UKRAINE: CONCEPT OF PROSPECTS”. Journal of European Economy, vol. 19, no. 2, Oct. 2020, pp. 246-64, doi:10.35774/jee2020.02.246.

