
  • Md. Thasinul ABEDIN University of Chittagong
  • Kanon Kumar SEN Bangladesh University of Professionals
  • Mohammad Rifat RAHMAN University of Chittagong
  • Sharmin AKTER Jashore University of Science and Technology



Stock Market Development, Banking Sector Development, Tertiary Level of Education.


Considering economic growth and banking sector development as economic factors and tertiary level of education as a social factor, this paper explores their effect on stock market development in Bangladesh during the period 1976 to 2015. This paper reveals a significant positive impact of banking sector development and economic growth and an insignificant positive impact of tertiary level of education on stock market development both in the short-run and in the long-run. The positive long-run effect of socioeconomic factors on stock market development suggests that over time the rise in tertiary education, economic growth, and banking sector development contributes into the stock market development. Hence, government should give special attention into the development of tertiary education in addition to accelerating economic growth and banking sector development to ensure broad base stock market.

JEL: C01, C02, C32.

Author Biographies

Md. Thasinul ABEDIN, University of Chittagong

Thasinul, Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting

Kanon Kumar SEN, Bangladesh University of Professionals

Department of Accounting and Information Systems

Mohammad Rifat RAHMAN, University of Chittagong

Lecturer, Department of Banking and Insurance

Sharmin AKTER, Jashore University of Science and Technology

Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Information Systems


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How to Cite

ABEDIN, Md. Thasinul, et al. “SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS OF STOCK MARKET DEVELOPMENT: ROLE OF TERTIARY EDUCATION”. Journal of European Economy, vol. 19, no. 2, Oct. 2020, pp. 224-45, doi:10.35774/jee2020.02.224.