



Knowledge, European Research Area, competition for skilled labour, science-production chain, investment in knowledge, innovation, new economy, technology transfer.


The article deals with the innovative mechanism of the new economy in the aspects of regional and national peculiarities of its functioning in the global and EU space. The general tendency of strengthening the orientation of national economies towards international trade in services, internationalization of research networks and expansion of creative human resources have been determined. Contrarily, evaluating the results of the Lisbon Strategy has demonstrated the need to prioritize employment, productivity and social cohesion to achieve global leadership. The concentration of scientific and technical potential of the leading countries of the international market on breakthroughs for economic development is an important tendency in the conditions of globalization. It has been shown that the implementation of new economy ideas sharpens competition for the skilled labour as a major component in research, innovation and entrepreneurship. At the same time, there are processes of transition from being an emigration country to being an immigration one. A comparison of EU and Chinese investment policy has been made, demonstrating the potential of using national sources, community mutual funds and fiscal federalization. It has been argued that the development of innovative products through the integration of science and production is an important factor in the development of new economy.

JEL: D83, E22, F21, F23, L86.

Author Biographies

Vitalina KURYLIAK, Ternopil National Economic University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the International Economics Department

Maksym KURYLIAK, Central Ukrainian National Technical University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of International Economic Relations


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How to Cite

KURYLIAK, Vitalina, and Maksym KURYLIAK. “«NEW ECONOMY» IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT”. Journal of European Economy, vol. 18, no. 4, Feb. 2020, pp. 397-14, doi:10.35774/jee2019.04.397.