
  • Mykhaylo Voynarenko First Vice-rector Khmelnytskіy National University
  • Olga Gonchar Khmelnytskіy National University



Economy, management system, integration, world society, efficiency, innovations


The main purpose of the publication is the development of theoretical approaches, the systematization of the results of analysis and the identification of modern trends in the transformation of socio-economic systems under the conditions of integration transformations and the definition of measures for promoting effective integration of Ukrainian economy into the modern international environment.

The features are identified and problematic aspects of the current stage of socio-economic development of Ukraine are singled out. It is emphasized that the dynamism of the economic environment, globalization and integration of the socio-economic space, informatization, and the introduction of innovations lead to the transformation of existing socio-economic systems.

The factors that influence the formation of the modern socio-economic system and the conceptual foundations of providing economic development of Ukraine are revealed. It is concluded that in order to implement the existing tasks of ensuring integration changes in the Ukrainian economy it is necessary to rely on its own potential and the construction of an effective system of state regulation of socio-economic processes in a rational combination with market mechanisms. The effectiveness model elements of the socio-demographic potential formation are proposed.

The attention is focused on the state regulation priority directions of the country’s socio-economic development through the development of state programs in the context of main directions of socio-economic systems functioning and measures that need to be implemented.

The attention is drawn to the value of cluster associations in the transformation of society.

The key directions of transformations, the public administration effectiveness ensuring and promoting of stabilization implementation model and country’s economic growth are substantiated.

JEL: М00, М21

Author Biographies

Mykhaylo Voynarenko, First Vice-rector Khmelnytskіy National University

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Olga Gonchar, Khmelnytskіy National University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Marketing and Trade Entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Voynarenko, Mykhaylo, and Olga Gonchar. “TRANSFORMATION OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS UNDER CONDITIONS OF INTEGRATION TRANSFORMATIONS”. Journal of European Economy, vol. 17, no. 2, Nov. 2018, pp. 224-41, doi:10.35774/jee2018.02.224.

