
  • Marco Benacchio
  • Laurent Guihery
  • Konstantin Komarov
  • Enrico Musso


ln passenger and freight transport, and also in infrastructure planning and financing, Italy and France have a leading experience in Europe, especially when it deals with connecting the large Mediterranean coast with the whole country. Due to the economic gap between the Mediterranean coasts and the most developed regions in Europe, in GDP. per capita (namely the north of Italy and the north of France, Paris and Lille as well as the Lyon area), large transport infrastructure and land use strategies have been developed in order to increase the attractiveness and accessibility of the south Italian and south French regions. Public policies towards the south of Italy and the south of France aim also at connecting these coastal regions to the «hinterland» and northern European regions (Germany, UK) both for tourism and economic development thanks to efficient transport infrastructures: high speed train networks, airport facilities, harbor facilities for both passengers, cruise and freight transport, large highway infrastructures.


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How to Cite

Benacchio, Marco, et al. “ITALIAN AND FRENCH EXPERIENCE IN MEDITERRANEAN AND SOUTH EUROPEAN TRANSPORT SYSTEM: WHICH RELEVANCE FOR UKRAINE?”. Journal of European Economy, vol. 1, no. 1, May 2018, pp. 36-64,