
  • Peter van der Hoek Erasmus University, Rotterdam


Borders, criteria for accession, economic implications, Europe, European identity, judicial system, enlargement, the European Union, state sector, legal sector of economy, oligarchs, private property right, reforms, Russian-speaking population of the EU,


The paper raises geographic and political issues of Europe, analyses integration processes that will take place when Central and Eastern European countries join the European Union. The author arrives at conclusion that new country-members will gain advantages after implementation of reforms, forecasts political and economic consequences of Europe’s enlargement. The model of successful reforms has been worked out provided revenues and losses of oligarchs, their accomplices, civil servants, new market participants, and application of a new tax system. Done calculations prove that European enlargement brings significant economic advantages to new entrants and minor ones to others.



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How to Cite

Hoek, Peter van der. “EUROPE: THE 1990s AND BEYOND”. Journal of European Economy, vol. 2, no. 1, May 2018, pp. 43-56,