
  • Oksana Myhailovska Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economics University


Foreign investment, border, barrier effect, special economic formations, FEA, TPD, euro-region, trans-border cooperation, integration.


The author outlines the theoretical aspects of the barrier effect of the border in the case of foreign investments in the border region. The article examines the nature of the barrier effect and singles out its basic components. It analyzes the possible ways of governmental influence upon certain components of the barrier effect in order to decrease it. As one of the most accessible and effective methods considered is the creation of special economic formations in separate regions of the state: free economic areas, territories of priority development, and regions of trans-border cooperation.


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How to Cite

Myhailovska, Oksana. “A STUDY OF BARRIER EFFECTS OF THE BORDER REGION”. Journal of European Economy, vol. 3, no. 3, Apr. 2018, pp. 319-28, https://jeej.wunu.edu.ua/index.php/enjee/article/view/1169.

